Sunday, June 30, 2024

Brewster Class of 2024 Salutatorian Yadhira Fregozo-Medina: Near-perfect is close enough


BREWSTER – For Class of 2024 Salutatorian Yadhira Fregozo-Medina, near-perfect is an acceptable way to conclude a high school career. The top scholar capped her academic achievements with a 3.9 GPA is well-qualified to continue her educational pursuits.

Fregozo did not know she was on track to take top honors until a

“It wasn’t until this year before we started school that the secretary told me that I had a I had a good chance at being salutatorian,” said Fregozo. “I was surprised. I said ‘Really’?”

With her salutatorian speech behind her, Fregozo is looking ahead to college at Eastern Washington University and leaning toward one of two majors.

“It’s between education and psychology,” Fregozo said.”

She credits per family and a pair of teachers for instilling the drive to maintain high grades.

“Family and teachers,” said Fregozo. “It was mostly my aunt who told me to never back down from a challenge and teachers who told me of all the opportunities that could be handed to me.”

Fregozo singled out middle school teacher Name Brown and high school science teacher name Meehan.

Fregozo is the oldest of three siblings and a first-generation college student. Her younger brother will be a Brewster school sophomore this fall, and a younger sister will enter kindergarten, so Fregozo is the one setting a high bar for them to clear.

Her advice for them: ‘No matter how hard you think something is you have to overcome it one way or another because at the end of the day it’s going to be worth it.”

For Fregozo, procrastination more than Covid was the challenge she had to overcome to stay ahead of the pack.

“I will get it done,” Fregozo would tell herself. “But when the time came it would be too much for me and I would be up until one or two in the morning getting all the homework done.”

Despite the academic demands Fregozo made time for sports and club activities.

“I played volleyball for four years and belonged to science club and primero y primera,” Fregozo said.

School achievements besides salutatorian that stand out for her are the club offices she held. 

“I was president of one this year and secretary for another,” Fregozo said.

Fregozo credits the Brewster community and her support groups for both her success and fond memories.

“I’ll go wherever my career takes me,” said Fregozo, "But I’ll return to Brewster whenever I get the chance.”

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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