Sunday, June 30, 2024

City of Bridgeport addresses hazard tree limbs in Marina Park


BRIDGEPORT – Professional tree cutters (fallers) in the timber industry call them “widow makers,” the broken treetops or branches that can land on and injure or kill the faller near the base of the tree when the tree is cut. 

The City of Bridgeport is taking steps to remove some cottonwood limbs to prevent this from happening to an unsuspecting tourist or park user.

“We have to look into those cottonwood trees with branches that are about ready to fall off,” said Mayor Sergio Orozco. The hazard was brought to the mayor’s attention by Public Works Lead Matt West.

“There is actually a branch that Matt pointed out that is being held by a pine tree,” said Orozco. “If that thing falls down, it is not good.”

“It probably weighs 10,000-plus pounds,” West estimated.

“They’re too tall for us to deal with,” said Public Works Superintendent Stuart Dezellem.

“The last thing we need is a liability from those trees,” said Orozco. “They go into the park itself, not just the RV park but where kids are playing. and people rent the gazebo.”

Orozco said the city could have the work done this winter when the park is vacant.

West suggested eventually replacing the large hazards with smaller trees.

“They have newer trees that are lower growing and make a good shade canopy,” said West. “They would be easier for us to maintain, plus they have a deeper root system that would not interfere with our mowing.”

West said the mower has made a 10-foot circumference around the base of some of the old cottonwoods because the roots are above the surface of the ground.

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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