Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tidbits, Feb. 21

It turns out winter isn't finished with us just yet; there's a 60 percent chance of snow or rain showers this Friday, but accumulation will be scant - less than half an inch.

One annual Herald tradition is printing a photo of the first found buttercup of spring. Though our Brewster office is closed, we'd still like to continue that. If you stumble across a buttercup, just call our office at (509) 689-2507 or e-mail me at I work out of my home in Pateros, so you can either submit your own picture or ask me to take one for you. I'd be happy to meet you somewhere or pop by your house.

With legislative interest this year in managing the wolf population, not to mention recent sightings down in the Lake Chelan Valley, we're wondering if anyone in the Quad Cities or Methow Valley has spotted gray wolves in our neck of the woods. Let us know by e-mailing me or calling our office.

We have a continual open call out for contributors and submissions for the bulletin board, community calendar, school news, sports and anything else you think your neighbors would like to read. Are you a parent or student who regularly attends club events for FBLA or Knowledge Bowl? Are you an aspiring writer looking for a medium to publish your work? Even if you just have little funny jokes or observations for Tidbits, we'd love to receive them! G-rated, of course.

Help students 'face the world'

Submitted by Dawn Zeller:

Learn firsthand about another culture without leaving the United States, and establish a friendship that will last a lifetime. The Face the World Foundation has international exchange students from over 15 countries arriving into the area for home stay programs.

Face the World, a non-profit organization, is now registering volunteer host families to share the American way of life. If you think your family may be interested in hosting a foreign teen - or would like more information about the program - please call FTW at 1- 888-389-1006 ext. 104.

This day in history - Feb. 21

1804: The first self-propelled locomotive on rails was demonstrated in Wales.

1842: John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine.

1848: "The Communist Manifesto" was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

1858: The first electric burglar alarm was installed in Boston.

1878: The first telephone book was issued (New Haven, Conn.).

1916: During World War I, the Battle of Verdun began. It ended on Dec. 18, 1916 with a French victory over Germany.

1947: Edwin Land introduced the Polaroid Land Camera. It was the first camera to take, develop and print a picture on photo paper all in about 60 seconds. The camera went on sale the following year.

1965: Black nationalist leader Malcolm X was assassinated.

1972: President Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit China.

1995: Steve Fossett became the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean solo in a balloon.
Opinion / Columnists


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