Saturday, July 27, 2024

Support for the Brewster School District Replacement Levy


The purpose of this letter is to voice my strong support for the upcoming Brewster School District replacement levy, which plays a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing educational experiences for our students. This levy supports a variety of essential programs and services that contribute to the overall well-being and academic success of our students.

School levies support initiatives beyond basic education. Many of the levy dollars support college in the classroom and elective classes that the state does not consider “basic education.” Levy dollars support Special Education, ensuring that our schools have the resources available to provide the necessary resources and staff to support students with unique learning needs. Reducing class sizes and providing additional staffing for classrooms are also ways that levy money supports student learning. These measures are instrumental in creating an environment that fosters academic excellence. Smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention, while college in the classroom programs open doors for advanced learning opportunities.

The levy also contributes to the vibrancy of our school community by supporting sports, band, extracurricular activities, after-school programs, and field trips. These experiences are integral to a well-rounded education, fostering teamwork, creativity, and a sense of community among students. They contribute to the development of important life skills beyond the classroom.

In conclusion, the Brewster School District replacement levy is not just a financial necessity; it is an investment in the future of our community. By supporting Special Education, college in the classroom, reduced class sizes, sports, band, additional staffing, extracurricular activities, after-school programs, technology, field trips, and transportation, we are ensuring that our students receive a well-rounded and enriching education.

I urge the community to rally behind this important initiative and vote in favor of the Brewster School District replacement levy. Together, we can continue to provide our students with the educational foundation they need to succeed.

Randy J. Phillips



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