Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pateros City Council honors George Brady, addresses city business

Two decades of community service


PATEROS – There was an empty chair – big time empty – at the regular monthly meeting of the Pateros  City Council on June 20, resulting from the sudden passing of council member and former mayor George Brady.

Brady, 76, died on Wednesday, June 14.

Council member, Mike Harding, elected mayor pro tem in Brady’s place, proposed that a plaque or memorial bench be installed at Ives Landing to recognize Brady’s 22 years of service to the city. Mayor Kelly Hook said he raised the same topic with the city administrator, Jord Wilson, and clerk treasurer, Kerri Wilson.

Robin Wright, owner of Wright’s Dollar Store at 180 Pateros Mall, addressed the council concerning the need for more community support for city business. He suggested adding the names of current businesses to the mall reader board as a temporary measure until the new one is ready to install.

 Following a report from the Parks and Streets Committee that it reviewed updates to the six-year Transportation Improvement Plan a public hearing was held and Resolution 2023-16 passed adopting the plan for years 2024-2029.

A resolution was approved agreeing terms for a $14,828 DNR grant for trees to complete the Warren Avenue Improvement Project.

The city approved an update contract for the services of building inspector Barry Hansen.

City Administrator Jord Wilson reported that the survey has been completed for downtown ADA improvements and Commercial Avenue upgrades. City engineer Varela & Associates is working on project design. The city received a $569,000 grant for the project.

The solar project at the new city reservoir funded by a $228,000 grant is at 95 percent completion pending the arrival of back-ordered parts.

Final plans for the charging station along Commercial Avenue have been approved and construction will begin soon.


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