Saturday, August 31, 2024

Memorial Day Events to pay attention to


BREWSTER – The American Legion Columbia Post 97 has a full schedule planned up to and after Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, according to Area Three Commander Denny Pittman.
Beginning at 9-9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 27, Post members and volunteers will place a cross with a small flag on the grave of every veteran at cemeteries from Packwood to Pateros.
American Legion members will be out again at 6 a.m. Monday morning for a rapid-fire roster of Memorial Day activities.
Legionnaires and volunteers will put up the large flags at each of the cemeteries Monday and add a wreath to each flag pole.  They will post an honor guard and firing squad at each location where three volleys will be fired and taps played.
In between ceremonies in cemeteries at Pateros (9 a.m.), Packwood (10 a.m.) Monse (11 a.m.), Brewster (11:30 a.m.) the Legionnaires will also hold a service for Navy and Coast Guard veterans on the Bridge Street Bridge that spans the Columbia River at Brewster at 9:30 a.m., and will drop a wreath into the river to honor those veterans.
Monday’s activities will conclude with a final service at the American Legion Hall in Brewster at noon.
On Tuesday following Memorial Day, volunteers will again be out picking up the crosses with flags on the veterans’ graves. Volunteers are welcome on all three days.
Columbia Post 97 is comprised of some 180 members. The total is around 325 if you include the Ladies Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion. They also have about 30 Legion riders who participate on their motorcycles in parades and funeral processions around the area.
American Legion Columbia Post 97 is located at 102 3rd St. in Brewster. It can be reached at (509) 689-3307.


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