Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lectures he did not want to hear led Danuel Trejo to academic excellence


BRIDGEPORT – For Daniel Trejo, those parental lectures are one big reason he is the valedictorian of the Bridgeport Class of 2024. They may not know it, but Trejo credits his parents for the success he has made so far.

“My parents are always at the top of my mind, so I’d definitely rank them as my biggest inspiration,” said Trejo. “Pushing me all the way through with countless lectures that I did not want to hear, but in the end, I hope they realize that I was listening. And those same talks made me who I am.” 

Trejo said the desire not to fail pushed him toward academic excellence.

“The idea of failure always lingered in my mind,” said Trejo. “Living an accomplished life on the top of my agenda throughout my academic years.” 

Trejo said managing his time and prioritizing work were challenges for him.

“My way of consuming my time is definitely interesting, and typical for a high school student. A lot of delaying the inevitable, procrastination if you will,” said Trejo. “I always work better with a deadline, and pacing myself little by little instead of stacking tons of work either in the beginning or the end have led me to a consistent schedule I genuinely can work though.” 

Trejo said he is still working out the specific details of his future education plans but sees the big picture.

“I’m still trying to get my life straight, obviously still figuring things out as a kid, but I currently am planning on heading to a university to get a degree in the business field,” said Trejo. “I am currently enticed with finance.”

Trejo advises incoming freshmen to be patient and ask questions. 

“Take your time, and do not be scared to be clueless. Things will shape out in the end, especially at a place like Bridgeport,” said Trejo. “Everyone strives to get you to the right place, and your life doesn’t have to be planned out in the span of a four-year high school career.” 

Trejo said the friends he has made and attitude he acquired are his favorite BHS achievements.

“I’ve grown such a close connection with everyone around me, and I’ve changed my perspective on school in general,” said Trejo. “This place is the pathway to success, and graduating is the furthest steppingstone. I’m here, and so are my classmates, so it’s important to note we are all finishing the race together.” 

Growing up in a small city like Bridgeport sharpened Trejo’s own goals and perspective.

“A small community always rests higher expectations on one’s back, but living in Bridgeport has definitely opened my eyes to the endless opportunities in life,” said Trejo. “No matter what they are doing, the smiles on the faces of the people around me, no matter what they are doing, is what makes me feel entitled to play my role in being the best person that I could be. I think that’s way more important than education, but combining the two together, anything is possible.”

Trejo wants his work ethic to his BHS legacy.

“It might sound kind of cliche, but hard work really does make dreams come true. The countless nights of low determination but pushing through it always left a satisfaction especially after getting all your homework out of the way. It feels so strange staying at home on a Sunday with no distractions on finishing an important assignment, but it’s all worth it when you realize Bridgeport made me this way. 

Trejo said discovering who he is while learning how to appreciate the differences in others are among the biggest lessons he will take away from his years at Bridgeport High School.

 “High school was the time of my life, particularly with the people around me. It’s sad to say this journey is over, but I’m excited to move on, especially since high school taught me what life was really about: being yourself,” said Trejo. “Even if we all went to the same school, we’re all different and unique in our own ways, which characterizes us.”

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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