Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Janessa Scroggie: Pateros valedictorian contest was close


PATEROS – One could say the contest for Class of 2024 valedictorian was a close between eventual co-winners Liliana Gonzales and Janessa Scroggie.

“We tied into the hundredth place for grade point average,” Scroggie said.

Scroggie entered the Pateros school system from the Brewster Log Church Christian School in the fifth grade. She has two younger sisters who also attend Pateros, one a fourth grader and the other an eighth grader. Scroggie is there for advice especially when it comes to the biggest challenge she confronted with her academics: procrastination.

“I have an issue with procrastination,” said Scroggie. “I’m still working on that, trying to get things done ahead of time and trying to plan out my schedule accordingly.”

Scroggie credits her parents as being one of her biggest inspirations.

“My dad, especially,” said Scroggie. “He has always seen how well I can do academically and held me to a standard that he knows I can reach and always pushed me to do the best that I can.”

For teachers, Scroggie singled out Spanish teacher Jennifer Carlson.

“She has always been very supportive and pushing me to do my best in school or out of school,” said Scroggie. “She helped me for tennis as well when I played sports,”

Scroggie played soccer all four years, tennis for three years.

“During the winter is ski and snowboard,” Scroggie said. 

Band is another favorite activity and Scroggie played the flute throughout middle school and the first two years of high school.

“I’m pretty proficient,” said Scroggie. “There are still things to work on but I’m pretty decent for as long as I played.”

“My first year of doing Running Start at Wenatchee Valley College,” said Scroggie. “I managed to get a 4.0 the entire year, I was trying to manage work and sports at the same time, I was difficult, but it went really well.”

The work that Scroggie mentions is at Gamble Sands Golf Course where she manages guest services outside.  She receives her AA from WVC this month.

Scroggie plans to travel out of state and attend Arizona State University this fall.

“I really love the campus and they had my major – forensic science,” said Scroggie. “I may minor in criminal justice just to have that background.”

Her grandmother helped inspire her career choice.

“Whenever I used to visit my grandmother. we would always watch crime shows,” said Scroggie. “I always loved that, and I love science so I thought it would be a great combination of my two interests.”

Scroggie won the Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship and another $7,000 in scholarships to help cover costs. 

Her advice to younger students includes understanding the subject matter.

“Always ask questions,” said Scroggie. “Even if it’s a simple question it’s really important to fully understand what you are doing to succeed.”

Scroggie said she would love to return to Washington but remains flexible.

“I’ve been here my whole life,” said Scroggie, “but I’m up for wherever my career takes me.”

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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