Saturday, July 27, 2024

EMUNAH: Ultimate Faith


“I don’t know how I’m going to win, I just know I’m not going to lose.’’
This was a Face Book post by a group called ‘Breslev Israel’, run by Jewish Rabbis.  It was just one description of something called “Emunah”.  
Emunah, by definition is ultimate faith in God.  “…to securely trust and rely upon (God)”; ”The pure and complete faith in the Almighty”; these are other ways of interpreting Emunah.
Emunah is a Hebrew word found several times in the original writings of the Old Testament.  There is no single English word which translates from Emunah, so bible translators tried their best to fit a meaning to the application.   It is usually translated “Faith” or “Belief”.
It is first found in Genesis 15:6 and is translated “believed” as the scripture, speaking of Abraham, reads “And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it unto him for righteousness.” (KJV)  God declared Abraham to have righteousness because Abraham had Emunah.  Abraham trusted in God to do what He said.  Emunah represents active trust in the goodness of the Lord, and expresses it’s self as loyalty to His will.  See the web site ‘Hebrew for Christians’, for more on that.
Emunah is this Knowledge: God is powerful; God is sovereign; God does not waste energy or motion; nothing happens that God is not using for the best possible outcome.
Want to increase your faith to Emunah?  Two things must happen.  Read the scriptures to know who God is in the three persons of the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Faith should grow as we see who God is!  Hope in God’s promises; have FAITH/EMUNAH in the One making them!
Then PRAY!!  Pray for Faith!   Pray as the man with the possessed son “Lord HELP my unbelief”, in Mark 9:14-29.  Pray as Paul taught us in Philippians 4:6, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for what He has done.”  Pray for Emunah.
Faith is a gift from God and Emunah is the application of that Faith.  Emunah will bring gratitude and peace and joy as it increases in your life.


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