Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bridgeport approves new Law Enforcement Services Agreement


BRIDGEPORT – An agreement that has been in the discussion and negotiation process since late 2023 concluded last week when the city council put its stamp of approval on a new Law Enforcement Services Agreement (LESA) with Douglas County.

Mayor Sergio Orozco told the regular meeting of the city council on July 17 that following extended negotiations between himself, city clerk/treasurer Judy Brown, superintendent of public works Stuart Dezellem, and Douglas County Sheriff Kevin Morris, the new LESA “is about as low as we are going to get.”

In 2023 the LESA, including a three percent annual increase, was $180, 551.16 That would have added $$5,416.53 to the 2024 renewal of $185,967.69. 

After the sheriff was instructed by the county commissioners to recalculate his small-city contracts to determine if the county was covering its law enforcement costs, Bridgeport’s new price tag was just shy of $300,000 ($292,177.88), a figure well beyond the city’s means to pay. Other small Douglas County entities were looking at similar increases based on their populations:

Waterville (pop. 1,185)   $152,510.60

Rock Island (pop. 1,130) $167,990.36

Mansfield (pop. 330) $34.063.82

A town hall meeting was scheduled last March 14 in the Bridgeport Elementary gym to gather public input about future law enforcement services for the city. The meeting drew a large turnout of residents concerned about their law enforcement needs, and their feedback helped the council pursue its subsequent course of action.

Further negotiations with the sheriff helped reduce the bottom line.

The LESA costs, including annual increases approved by the city, will be:

Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024 - $206,366.46 

Jan. 1, 2025 – Dec. 31, 2025 - $226,765.23 

Jan. 1, 2026 – Dec. 31, 2026 - $247,163.99 

Jan. 1, 2027 – Dec. 31, 2027 - $267,562.76 

Jan. 1, 2028 – Dec. 31, 2028 - $287,961.53 

Jan. 1, 2029 – Dec. 31, 2029 - $296,600.38

Orozco credited Morris for his efforts on behalf of the city the get the final contract figure reduced. 

“Kevin actually got an extra $500 a month with the commissioners for office rent,” said Orozco.

Added to the $1,000 the county earlier agreed to pay for 972 square feet of city hall space, it added another $500 to bring the annual rental to $18,000, offsetting a large chunk of the annual LESA increase.

Without a signed LESA the city was facing potential unincorporation and governance by the county. Bridgeport was the final holdout.

“We were the last ones to sign it,” said Orozco.

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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