Thursday, September 26, 2024

Brewster council green lights pool grant resolution

Year-round cover possible

BREWSTER – City council members met in a special virtual GoToMeeting last Friday, April 30, to approve an application for a grant to renovate and possibly cover the public pool, authorize an FAA COVID Agreement, and renew a Building Inspection Services Agreement.

Jon Wyss, former Executive Director of the state Farm Service Agency, advised the city of the opportunity to file for a Community Service Grant through the USDA to request funding to renovate the city public pool. Since application must be made by May 14 the city held the special council meeting to get the necessary votes to proceed.

The grant would provide $2 million in funds to go along with $300,000 from the school district. The council’s approval vote would also allow the city to contribute $50,000.

Councilman John Housden asked for more details concerning how the city could apply the pool funds.

City clerk/treasurer Misty Ruiz said the money would be used to repair the pool only, not to include the pool house, and if enough was left after pool improvements to possibly add a pool cover. As subsequent discussion indicated the project is still in the planning stage, so the council’s approval was only to proceed with the application and not an obligation to follow through with the project.

Ruiz said that while Wyss would like to see the city have a year-round open pool, the city does not have the financial means to cover 12-month operating costs.

We would have to find the money from somewhere else to cover the operating costs,” said Ruiz. “The city can barely cover the operating expenses for the summer months.”

Housden wanted to know if the grant funds could be used to install solar panels on the pool house roof to help the city pay for power, an option he favors. Councilman Tim Reis reminded him that there are already solar panels installed there to help heat the pool water. Ruiz said Wyss was already conferring with Douglas PUD about solar panels.

Ruiz said there are a number of issues yet to decide but that the pool cannot have a cover installed before repairs are made. She said one of the issues under consideration is possibly removing the diving board to allow for a shallower pool. Shallower depth would also help the city cope with the groundwater table that causes problems with the pool at its current location.

The council quorum approved the pool resolution by unanimous vote, 4-0.

In other business the city approved an FAA COVID Agreement that provides $13,000 in COVID funds for the airport. The city also approved the renewal of a Building Inspection Services Agreement that has been in use in past years.


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