BRIDGEPORT—Discreetly hidden yet in plain sight, somewhere in the city hangs Bungee Cord Bungalow, perhaps one of the more ingenious and delightful seasonal homes around these parts. The …
WENATCHEE—Wenatchee Valley College is developing a new strategic plan to enhance its community focus, address equity gaps, and maintain academic excellence. WVC President Dr. Faimous …
WENTACHEE – Through her two decades of nursing experience Aura Brazill saw a need for hydration and wellness care outside of the confines of the hospital. That prompted her to start …
WENATCHEE—For Wenatchee Public Library employees Chelsea Evans and Molly Schuringa, outreach with youth at the Chelan County Juvenile Detention Center is one of their favorite parts of their …
BREWSTER – The newest addition to the Gamble Sands golf, dining, and lodging experience 10 miles east of Brewster, The Barn, billed as the “newest dining hotspot and coolest hangout in …
WENATCHEE – This weekend, area teens, regardless of income, will have the chance to pick out the prom dress of their dreams for free, thanks to the Women's Service League of North Central …
Since the 1930s, Northwest Wholesale, Inc., a locally owned agricultural cooperative, has been an impactful part of the tree fruit industry in North Central Washington. Cooperatives of all kinds …
The key to business success is often finding a niche idea, nurturing it, and following each progressive development as it leads to the opportunities that customers and markets demand. Such has …
CASHMERE – The Chelan County Fair and Rodeo will host a Rodeo Queen Fundraiser and Coronation Kickoff Party on Saturday, Feb. 10, at the Mission Creek Community Club Building at 4724 Mission …
BREWSTER - Every dog may – or may not – have its day. But every lucky dog has its special day when it schedules an appointment at the new Lucky Dog Grooming Spa now open for business …
LOCAL SUPPORT * Cancer Care of NCW, Inc. Our House, Wenatchee: 509-663-6964 or Email: * Wellness Place, Wenatchee, 509-888-9933. Support groups, and other resources. …
Educate yourself on these terms when your doctor talks to you about breast cancer Adjuvant therapy: Treatment such as chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or radiation used following surgery to cure, …
OMAHA -- The Omaha Lancers of the United States Hockey League (USHL) are proud to announce that forward, Jamison Sluys has committed to play Division One College Hockey at Western Michigan …
ST. LOUIS – Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE: SF) today announced that Kristen Taylor, Senior Vice President/Investments with the firm’s Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated …