Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Three Rivers Hospital levy heads for majority approval

Final count due August 15


OKANOGAN – The third official count of votes from the August Primary Election show little difference from the initial count on August 1 with respect to the approval margin by Okanogan County voters of the renewal of the Three Rivers Hospital (TRH) one-year maintenance and operations levy. Of the 2,974 votes cast, 2,162 or 72.7 percent approve the measure while 812 or 27.3 percent oppose. The latest results show only a .2 percent difference from the first count.

Douglas County voters split evenly on the issue, with 190 votes in favor and 190 opposed.

The third consecutive TRH M&O levy is the same as the previous two approved by voters in 2021 and 2022. It collects 33 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value that will provide about $1.5 million in 2024.

The TRH Board of Commissioners voted unanimously last May to put the resolution on the August election ballot.

In the race for Bridgeport School District Director Position 3, Kate McPherson leads Matt West by seven votes, 70-63. Jean Hardie is a close third with 60 votes. Okanogan County voters favor West over McPherson, 7-2.

With approximately 25 votes remaining to final count by the Okanogan County Auditor was scheduled for Tuesday, August 15.


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