Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Team Okanogan Animal Rescue request long-term lease


Editor’s note: The following meeting summaries of the Board of Commissioners of Okanogan County (BOCC) for the first of May 2023 are taken from notes provided by County Watch (

OKANOGAN – Team Okanogan Animal Rescue (TOAR) appeared before the Board of Okanogan County Commissioners on Monday, May 8, to discuss their work both locally and statewide. TOAR also requested a long-term (99-year) lease on the property where the group establishes an animal shelter.

In other business:

Monday, May 8, morning and afternoon

  • Commissioners held two separate Executive Sessions, dealing with potential or ongoing litigation. One session involved Shelley Keitzman, Human Resources and Risk Management, and Esther Milner, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor. The other involved Milner and Pete Palmer, Planning Director.
  • Fairgrounds Manager, Naomie Peasley, Emergency Management Director, Maurice Goodall, and Chief Deputy Clerk, Susan Speiker, updated the commissioners.
  • Palmer and the commissioners discussed changes to the zoning code district use chart. It was decided they will concentrate on getting the stipulated forms of the code ready to be sent out for comment and put the rest of the code on hold for now.
  • Sheriff Paul Budrow asked the commissioners for a raise for his Chief Civil Deputy. He also updated the commissioners on the need to hire a Designated Crisis Responder because Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare cannot provide one, the need to start thinking about a new jail facility and other jail matters.
  • Commissioners interviewed and approved Katherine Jordan for a position as an alternate on the Water Conservancy Board.

Tuesday, May 9, morning

  • BOCC will appoint a position for the Health District Board.
  • Public Comment Period: Questions about cattle guard franchises, and a victim of the 2020 wildfire requesting a 911 fee waiver.
  • Palmer discussed the process for changing addresses and naming a road when there are enough residences that require it.
  • County Treasurer updated BOCC on finances/payments of taxes-foreclosure notices sent for nonpayment of property tax. The interest rate on investments is increasing to 4.5 percent.
  • County Auditor reported one position open. Business has picked up since Covid. Work continues with vendor to transfer data to the new computer system – may need to change 'going-live' date.
  • Public Works: Cattleguard franchise application approval. Opening two bids for Twisp River Road Bridge repair.

Tuesday, May 9, afternoon

  • Engineering firm proposed identifying segments of the Justice Center project before budgeting, starting with an analysis of existing facilities.
  • In a review of May 2 proceedings Commissioner Branch asked to include his comment on widely differing bids for Oroville’s new housing project; with EMS vouchers. Branch said he dreams of less-cumbersome protocol.
  • Text from Sheriff’s office asked for a full performance report plus a $500 fee when sheriff’s staff is summoned to the city of Twisp; further discussion needed.
  • Surplus vehicles will soon be auctioned.



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