Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pateros submits priority projects to Economic Development committee


Pateros – The city presented three projects – announced at the September council meeting - for potential funding on Oct. 11 to the Okanogan County Priority Projects Committee of the NCW Economic Development District. At the regular monthly meeting of the Pateros City Council Oct. 17, council member George Brady briefly summarized the meeting that he, Mayor Kelly Hook and City Administrator Jord Wilson attended where a total of 19 projects were up for consideration. Wilson completed three applications describing the projects:

Pateros Library Improvements (top ranked of the three)

The library was constructed in 1966 during the Azwell Hydroelectric Relocation Project. The building has served the community well for over 50 years. However, times have changed. The index card file systems of the past have transitioned to online databases; encyclopedias are no longer printed; and continuing education classes can be attended remotely. Computer stations and the infrastructure and space supporting them are a critical link for students, job seekers, and business owners. This is phase one of the Pateros Library Improvement Project.

Starr Road Development – Water Improvements

Development of the Starr Road site is an important piece of Pateros’s work towards economic recovery and revitalization. After years of static economic activity and the widespread devastation caused by the 2014 Carlton Complex fires, the development of the 16.6-acre former landfill site has the potential to bring new revenue streams and new jobs to the city of Pateros. The results of this study find that the feasibility of developing the Starr Road site is dependent on the City’s ability to identify and secure grant dollars for initial development and additional grants and low interest loans for subsequent improvements

Pateros Mall Improvements – Phase 2

The Pateros Mall is main street for the central business district. The Mall, built in mid-60s is in need of rehabilitation. The project requires replacement of the existing hardscapes, addressing stormwater, and replacement of lining of water and sewer mains which are over 60 years old, deteriorated and at the end of their useful life. This project is broken into three phases: Phase 1 - preliminary design and survey of mall, stormwater, and parking (funded and approved by city council). Phase 2 - Design and engineering of Stormwater, Water and Sewer infrastructure. Phase 3 – Construction (estimated at $1,100,000).

The North Central Washington Economic Development District (NCWEDD) is a federally designated economic development district, and 501(c)(3) nonprofit, serving the NCW region covering Okanogan, Douglas, and Chelan counties and the Colville Confederate Tribes.

The NCWEDD Regional Priority Projects Committee ranks projects based on several established criteria, including measurable regional economic benefits, measurable community benefits, fully developed plan and strategy, alignment with NCWEDD goals and objectives, and on public/private partnerships.
This year the NCWEDD will also select five projects that have been affected by COVID. These projects will need to align with the current EDA (Economic Development Act) American Rescue Plan (ARPA) available grants. Top ranked projects will receive NCWEDD letters of support and fund sourcing assistance.

In other business the council:

• Adopted a resolution approving the professional services agreement with Varela & Associates for engineering/planning/design of the Pateros Mall improvements and Commercial Avenue.

• Set a public hearing for 6 p.m., Nov. 21 (next council meeting) to review the 2023 budget, fee schedule, property tax, and EMS tax.

• Was advised that the Highway 97 pedestrian crossing and pathway project made it to the WSDOT Tier 1 which puts the project on the list for the legislature. Funding decision will be made May 2023.

• Heard that the corrugated walls for the winter barn should be going up this month.


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