Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pateros invites public comment on development stands for infrastructure projects


PATEROS – A public hearing about city development standards was on the agenda of the regular monthly meeting of the Pateors City Council on Tuesday, Feb. 21. The hearing was held to review final project performance for the planning-only grant funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The city received funding to conduct a review of the city’s Zoning (Title 17), Subdivision (Title 16), and Environment (Title 14) codes to assess how the codes affect the availability of affordable housing and low and/or moderate-income households and to recommend amendments to address identified issues. The   project also included preparation of public works design standards that provide clear requirements for the design and construction of public and private infrastructure in the community.

Following no public input, the council approved the final draft.

The Police, Fire, Health, & Safety Committee comprised if council members Chantel Poole and Mike Harding had their first meeting with new Okanogan County Sheriff Paul Burdow and Undersheriff Dave Yarnell. And listened to concerns the city shared with the new county law enforcement administration which contracts it services with the city. Okanogan County Emergency Management Director Maurice Goodall also met with the committee to discuss getting more Pateros citizens signed up for the OCEM Alert System that notifies subscribers with time-sensitive notifications of hazards threatening their homes and workplaces. Goodall also recommended a roundtable discussion with city leaders and the school concerning a future mock drill to simulate an emergency such as an active shooter or other incident.

“The reason for the school,” said Harding, “they think if something happened that would be the most natural meeting place.”

“And it’s the most likely for an active shooter,” Poole added.

Resolutions passed

The city approved five resolutions:

• Rural Business Development Grant – City agreed to apply for up to $98,625 RBDG for a Pateros Mall market study and infrastructure revitalization plan in hopes this will lead to another RDBG application next year for infrastructure upgrades to the Pateros Pedestrian Mall.

• Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant – Authorizing application for a federal transportation grant through the U.S. Department of Transportation up to $100,000 that will be used for a planning project that looks at all transportation challenges of U.S. 97 in the city limits.

• Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Consultant Supplemental Agreement amendment – The TIB Warren Avenue Sidewalk project went over budget by $32,915. The total project cost $488,510.40. During construction, council directed City Administrator Jord Wilson and city engineer Varela Engineering and Management to confer individually with property owners and resolver design conflicts. Resulting project changes required re-bidding the project and re-design of components with engineering review and updates. Wilson requested TIB to increase the grant amount and the agency agreed to an additional $23,863. The city needs to cover $9,052 of the overage.

• PUD Easement for charging stations – Council approved the installation of charging stations on Commercial Avenue. Utility infrastructure is needed to support these stations. Okanogan County PUD needs a right-of-way easement before it can work on the property.

• Accident Prevention Program – The council’s Fire/Health/Safety Committee met and reviewed the 93-page Accident Prevention Program and made changes as recommended.

Finance report

The treasurer’s report compiled by city clerk/treasurer Kerri Wilson revealed:

• January 2023 revenues from the Transportation Benefit District (TBD) created in 2018 were $1,846.30.

• Sales and use tax revenues that were up by $18,239 at the end of 2022 continue to be higher than the year previous. January 2022 was $6,373.91. January 2023 was $7,884.80.

• Hotel-motel tax revenues that were down at the close of 2022, started out more than double the $2,778 collected for January 2022. January 2023 totaled $5,723.




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