Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Okanogan County Health Officer reports on growing opioid crisis, care shortages


Editor’s note: The following meeting summaries of the Board of Commissioners of Okanogan County (BOCC) for the second week of February, and the Board of Health meeting of Feb. 24, is taken from notes provided by County Watch (

OKANOGAN -- The Board of Okanogan County Commissioners heard a grim report from Okanogan County Health Officer Dr. James Wallace about the growing opioid crisis affecting area schools. Wallace also stressed the shortage of psychiatric and health care providers and hospital beds.

In other BOCC/BOH summaries:

Monday, Feb. 13, BOCC a.m.

  • Risk Manager Shelley Keitzman reported on jail personnel, courthouse security, and settlement with a jail inmate.
  • Funding for Twisp well was discussed.
  • Funding for Oroville EMS was discussed.
  • Lobbyist report – jaywalking bills and how they are an attack on pickup trucks, improved riparian bill
  • Reviewed request for quotes (RFQs) for work on the new judicial center.

Discussed potential grants for Fire Districts, pros and cons of annexation.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 14, BOCC a.m.

•    Discussed with court staff upcoming renovations and the new detention center, watching significant bills in the legislature, financial   planning.

  • Public comment: Paul Sisson thanked BOCC for work on Tunk Re-Zone, Dave Mullens commented on EMS/ambulance service in the north county.
  • Public hearing on proposed public record request fees – a lot of discussion regarding getting information to public when a legal notice/hearing is required. Looking forward to a public records officer/position.  
  • Getting organized for opioid settlement monies process.
  • Auditor discussed the need for bullet proof safety glass in office and need for overflow room during elections – reported that there are 4,000 new registered voters since her election. Approved hiring of two security officers from Pacific Security.
  • Public works update: road restriction exemption from midnight to 9 am should help keep calls down as it is still freezing at night, BOCC agreed to maintain Libby Creek Road (a Forest Service Road) extending to the Sky Ranch turn-off,
  • Will be advertising for open position in the Commissioner’s Office.
    Tuesday, Feb. 24, Board of Health meeting
  • New $500,000 of ARPA funds allocated over four years. BOH budget healthy.

Nepotism concern: Environmental Health Supervisor replacement cannot be overseeing a family member,

  • resolution debated; Organizational chart to be studied, single administrator should replace the administrative team.
  • Requests for variances will go through the Health Officer; appeals through the Hearings Examiner.
  • Health Officer Dr. James Wallace signaled a growing opioid crisis affecting schools and rivaling those in larger counties despite strong support programs: peer counselors, food and transportation aid. Behavioral health compromised by decrease in psychiatric care providers. Shortage of care providers and hospital beds persists.
  • BOH requested a blood and urine testing machine to help the Coroner determine cause of death. The $61,000 “investigative tool” can be shared with law enforcement to avoid long delays from outsourcing. Wastewater testing for Covid continues in Brewster and could be widened to include drug detecting.
  • The septic system application process was simplified.
  • A Health Board retreat is scheduled for March.
    Tuesday, Feb. 14, BOCC a.m.
  • Process advances for hiring Public Records Officer
  • Maintenance Supervisor secured rental agreement renewal for July-October cooling system, passed on recommendation that county buy $250,000 plate heat exchanger. Untreated well water is bad for the jail’s heat pumps.
  • Renewed agreement for automation system. It adjusts energy use and detects if the well pump is not working–$11,800/year for five years.
  • Instead of a seasonal full-time recruit, year-round post, flexible, for 20 plus hours/week?



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