Wednesday, July 3, 2024



NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY that the City of Pateros City Council will hold a public hearing at 6:00 pm on Monday, March 18, 2024 at the Pateros City Hall at 113 Lakeshore Drive. The purpose of the hearing is to take testimony on an application by David Barber of Pateros, Washington for a variance from the required side yard setback set forth in Chapter 17.12.100 Table B of the Pateros Municipal code for a proposed single-family dwelling to be located at 310 Pearl Street. The hearing will include a staff report on the proposed conditional. All persons requiring assistance in accessing City Hall or need other assistance are requested to contact City Hall at 923-2571 prior to the hearing. Copies of the application and related materials are available for review at City Hall. Published in the Quad City Herald on March 6, 13, 2024. #7349


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