Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Brewster may soon have its own voter ballot box


BREWSTER – Getting a voter ballot box installed in the city was among the issues discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Brewster city council last Thursday, July 21.
Council member John Housden brought the matter to the council’s attention after he researched state ordinances and found the in RCW 29A.40.170 the stipulation that “a minimum of one ballot box in each city, town and census-designated place in the county with a post office” shall have a ballot box.
“The Okanogan County auditor is responsible for providing these boxes,” said Housden. “We should have one in the City of Brewster. Why do we not?”
A council discussion revealed that an earlier attempt to have a box installed in front of two downtown business locations did not come to pass.
Brewster Chamber of Commerce president Mike Mauk said he has been in communication with the Auditor’s office and was advised that there is a ballot box designated for Brewster.
“The thing is there’s a rule that it can’t be put on a sidewalk,” Mauk said.
Mauk added that the Brewster Senior Center has agreed to provide space to have a box installed.
Following more discussion city attorney Chuck Zimmerman suggested that the council agree that locating a ballot box at either the library, post office, or senior center would be acceptable sites.
In other business the city:
• Set a Shoreline Master Plan public comment period for Tuesday, August 15.
• Approved two plateau archeological monitoring projects, one for the well house project in the amount of $8,040 and the other for Old Highway 97 repair project for $6,587.
• Received an additional $2 million to the existing funding package from the Department of Ecology for the wastewater treatment plant to help offset increased costs.
• Agreed to pay ambulance fees of $1,044.58 required for the Tony Newton Memorial Regatta on Sept. 10-11.
• Agreed to sign a Radar Feedback Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation to place a radar feedback sign at the north end of the Brewster Bridge on SR 173.
• Authorized negotiations with the Brewster Boys & Girls Club for a lease extension or new lease for 15 years so Public Works can apply for a Department of Commerce grant to do needed building repairs.


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