Thursday, September 26, 2024

Library has puppets, art, tales this summer

BREWSTER - Last week marked the start of the annual Summer Reading program at the Brewster Public Library.

"The theme this year is 'Dream Big,'" Librarian Judy Johnston wrote in an e-mail. "We will feature stories, crafts, activities and special events around the idea of dreams, wishes, hopes and aspirations; also, we will have some fun things relating to sleeptime dreaming and nighttime creatures."

The program is held every Wednesday and Thursday through Aug. 15, with the exception of July 4. Kids are welcome to participate in games, arts or crafts at 3 p.m. every Thursday.

Storytime is featured at the library at 10 a.m. most Wednesdays, sometimes presented by guest speakers like Deb McVay and Naomi Baltuck. On other occasions, like next week, a puppet show is held. A raptor show is scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 17, and an Okanogan County Public Utility District presentation called "Anatomy of a Power Pole" will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13.

A swim party, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, will wrap up the season at 5 p.m. Aug. 8. The Hermanos del Arte Masonic Lodge of Brewster will award two bicycles to avid readers, and Johnston herself will have a surprise gift.

"Children enter the drawing all summer with each hour they read giving them one entry," Johnston wrote. Another drawing is held weekly at the library for even more prizes.

A complete calendar of summer events can be viewed at the library. For more information, call 689-4046.
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